15 Most Divisive Issues in Sports Right Now | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors

Argument(s) for: Theyre being paid based more on services rendered than current or future contributionssince when is that how things are done? Besides, how much money does, for instance, Kobe Bryant need? To date hes already made over $303 million in his career, which, by the way, has basically been over since 2013. And hes

Argument(s) for: They’re being paid based more on services rendered than current or future contributions—since when is that how things are done? Besides, how much money does, for instance, Kobe Bryant need? To date he’s already made over $303 million in his career, which, by the way, has basically been over since 2013. And he’s only due $25 million more!

Argument(s) against: They’re being paid what the market has determined they’re worth. Under the very best of circumstances the career of a professional athlete is over by age 40—even 35 is generous. So the few that actually make it that far, and win championships along the way, have earned the right to be overpaid for a couple of seasons and not care a lick about public perception.

